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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

1st Doctor Appointment, Shots, and her Fist??

Avery has found her fist!! I layed her down in bed the other night sound alseep with her binkie in her mouth and this is how I found her 10 minutes later. I heard this loud sucking coming from her bed and looked in at her and she had her fist in her mouth sucking away. It was cute and so funny. She tries so hard to get her fist to her mouth and when she does she loves it.

More pictures of her and her fist, oh how she loves it.
I LOVE to put bows and flowers in her "hair" as you can tell from all her pictures. Sometimes I'm not so sure she likes it, but the other day she fell asleep with her headband over her eyes like this. She usually will fuss if she gets it like this, but she stayed asleep for quite awhile like this. It was the CUTEST!!

Avery had her very 1st well child exam and 1st round of immunizations yesterday. I was so nervous for the shots because 1st of all I didn't want to hear her scream in pain and 2nd I have heard horror stories of how fussy babies get after they get shots. But her appointment went well and she really only screamed when they jabbed her with the needle and for maybe a minute after and then she was fine. I did make Kyle go with me so he could be the one to hold her down for the shots, but I stayed in the room while they did it and I wasn't sure I would be able to do that, so I'm proud of myself. She now weighs 12 lbs 8 oz. which is the 90th percentile for her age and 22 inches long which is the 25th percentile and her head is in the 75th percentile. So she is short, chubby, and has a big head, but boy do we LOVE her. Chubby babies are the cutest and she probably carriers all her weight in those big cheeks.


Shelly said...

Your pictures are so cute. Jens little girl Ally used to suck on her fist all of the time but I think she has moved to just the thumb now.

Amanda Fullerton said...

Melissa. We weren't ever really 'friends' in school, I don't think. I have been reading some of the people's blogs that I knew the most in high school and a couple of them have you on their list of blogs to read. Of course I'm slightly nosey and was checking out the blogs they read and yours was one of them. *sorry*. I have to say that Avery is one of the most adorable girls I have ever seen! She is a cutie pie! I *love* her cheeks! I'm glad you're enjoying being a mommy so much.
~Amanda (Aiken)