Sunday, June 22, 2008
McCall Here We Come...
So usually around the end of June, the month of July, and a little of August I disappear to McCall Idaho. McCall is a quaint little tourist town located in the mountains of Idaho. It's about a 2 hour drive from Boise and it's our summer retreat although we do go there in the winter too, just not as much. Kyle's family has a condo on the lake (Payette Lake) where we stay and play all summer. We have a boat and jet ski to play on and just hang out and relax. My sister in-law Connie and her 3 kids come and play and try to escape from the heat in Las Vegas. The only bad thing is that the water in Payette Lake is always soooo cold. I think the warmest the lake has ever gotten since the 5 years I've been going there is 77 degrees and it will be even colder this year because we got so much snow. 2 weeks ago when my sister in-law Lindsay and her husband Matt put the boat and jet ski in the lake the water was only 47 degrees. COLD!!! Good thing we have a wet suit or I wouldn't be water skiing and I am so excited to be able to water ski and play on the tube this year because I couldn't last summer because I had just found out I was pregnant. This will be Avery's 1st trip to McCall (at least outside the womb) and although she won't be doing much I know she will have fun!! She gets to play with her cousins, aunts and uncles, grandma and grandpa, and wear that cute new bathing suit I got her. I guess she can go in the pool with me just not the lake. We (Avery and I) leave tomorrow and won't be back until July 5th and are home for a few days to go to a baptism and then back to McCall on the 7th and I'm not exactly sure when I will be back, we'll just play it by ear and see how Avery does up there. I will not have my laptop with me until Kyle comes up on the weekend, so I will miss blogging with all of you, but I can't wait to take Avery to our getaway!! Have a nice week!!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Sick Again!!!
Avery is sick again. On Saturday afternoon I noticed she started getting a really bad runny nose and was sneezing a ton. So that night I took her temperature and she had a tiny fever of 99.9. I gave her some Tylenol that night and put her to bed. Well she didn't sleep much that night because she was so congested and couldn't breathe and would snore and wake herself up. So the next day she was pretty onery (we only made it through sacrament at church before I gave up and came home) and tired so I went to the store and bought a humidifer and saline drops to help her breathe better. I think it was helping and she didn't seem warm to me so I was sure her fever had broke. She slept really well on Sunday night and seemed to be doing much better except for her runny nose, so I called the doctor and they told me to keep doing what I was doing and bring her in if she got a fever again or if she didn't get better after 7 days. Well last night she got a fever of 100.9 and would not eat much. I felt like I had to force her to eat, the only time she would finish a bottle (4 oz.) was her middle of the night and early morning feeding. So here we are Tuesday, still onery, won't eat and a fever of 100.1. I didn't figure out she had a fever again until 4:00, so needless to say we will be going to the doctor tomorrow. Hopefully it's just a ear infection or something. Avery and I have terrible luck!! If it's not me at the doctor it's her. I guess things could be a lot worse, but I think our doctor is getting to know us (our checkbook) very well.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Fathers Day!!
I want to wish my wonderful husband Kyle a Happy Fathers Day, it is his 1st offical, although Fathers day will always be a special day to us as it was last year on fathers day we found out we were expecting our little Avery. I took a pregnancy test that morning right after I woke up and to my delight it read PREGNANT!! I took the test into a sleeping Kyle and said Happy Fathers Day!! Now here we are today celebrating the day again with our little bundle of joy. Thank you so much for being such an amazing husband and father. WE LOVE YOU!!
I took this picture of Kyle right as we were getting ready to go in the operating room for my c-section. You can see the excitement and I'm sure a little fear in his eyes. He did so good during the delivery and stayed strong for me.
Being a new dad is hard work as you can see, but he loves his daughter and would do anything for her. He is such an amazing help with Avery and I couldn't have asked for a better father for my daughter.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Dog for SALE!!
Oliver...Oliver...Oliver!!! What am I going to do with you?? He is sooooooo jealous of Avery. I feel bad because he's still my baby dog, he just doesn't always come first anymore. He truly was our baby before Avery came along and I knew it would be a hard adjustment for him, I just didn't realize how bad he would handle it. The other night was the kicker, I was ready to give him away after he jumped into Avery's bassinett. Oh did I forget to mention I had just layed her down for bed and Kyle was leaning in there to put her binkie back in her mouth and Oliver decided to jump in from our bed on top of her. He could care less about her when she 1st came home from the hopital, but as time goes on he gets worse and worse. He now chews anything of hers in sight (headbands, pacifers, changing pads, etc...) and I can't take it anymore. He also almost sat on her head once. He really needs some obedience training, but my husband is to cheap and I really have no idea how to do it on my own, despite reading several book on the subject. This is the 1st dog I have ever owned and it's still all new to me. Has anyone else ever had this problem?? What do you do?? I love my dog and he really isn't for sale, but he has to cut this out because I don't trust him around the baby anymore. He has never bit anyone not even a child pulling at his ears, he is just feeling a little lonely these days!! But it has got to STOP!! He needs to understand I love him too.
Oliver loves to chew on Kyles dress socks. I don't know what it is about his socks and Avery's because he never touches mine.
Oliver in his better days. I don't like to dress up dogs, but I felt bad after I would shave him and put him in the yard all day to play when it was cold out.
My little puppy. He was soooo cute and pretty easy to crate train. Why can't he be the same way now? He really was my baby back before Avery. Now all I do is take pictures of her. I still love him too though and always will. He truly was our first born.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Sleeping through the night??
I desperately need help. I am trying to get Avery to sleep through the night without me having to let her cry it out. It's just so hard I hate hearing/seeing her like that. Technically 5 hours is sleeping through the night which she does, but her pediatrician said now that she is 14 lbs. (yes 14 lbs., she's getting huge) she should be able to go at least 8 hours. I have been establishing a better bedtime routine like a bath, then reading a book or two, a 4 oz. bottle and then bed. This should be helping, but I'm not sure it is (although I just started on Monday, maybe I should be a little patient). She is also putting herself to sleep during the day and at night.. I don't have to rock her to sleep anymore, I just lay her down drowsy, which is very nice. I'm just having a hard time cutting out that 2:00 - 4:00 AM feeding. I have tried putting rice cereal in her bottles to fill her up right before bed and that doesn't work and she won't eat more then 4 oz, so I don't know what to do. Does it just happen for babies when there ready, am I pushing her to soon? I could really use some suggestions, I REALLY miss my sleep. ANYTHING will help, I am up to try anything!!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Avery's 1st illness
Avery has THRUSH. Last week I noticed that Avery's tongue looked really white and had white little spots all over it. I knew that is what thrush could look like, but I also knew babies tongues can just have some left over formula on it so I decided to call her pediatrician on Thursday. After waiting most the day for the nurse to return my phone call she asked if Avery had these white spots on the insides of her lips and cheeks too. I told her I noticed a spot on the corner of her mouth, but wasn't really sure if it was dry skin or these white spots. I told her I couldn't see the insides of her cheeks because seriously they are huge and every time I try to open her mouth she makes this terrible gag face. So she said if I couldn't see any spots anywhere other then her tongue it probably wasn't thrush. WRONG!! All weekend it started to get worse, the insides of her lips started turning white and all this while she would NOT eat. I felt like I had to force her to take a bottle. I don't blame her though it's a yeast infection on her tongue, I bet it itched BAD!! So I called her doctor early this morning and was able to get her in at 11:00 and sure enough I was right it was THRUSH!! It's not as common for bottle fed babies to get it, but they still can and of course my daughter would (I have terrible luck when it comes to illnesses). So she is on Nystatin 4 times a day for two weeks. Oh and she hates it by the way because I have to take a Q-tip and rub it around in her cheeks and inside her lips. Poor baby girl, but at least we figured out what it was!!
The spot on the corner of her lip, she had one on the other side too.

As you can see Avery did not like me to touch her lips, but I wanted to document her very 1st illness. I'm one of those crazy mothers who tries to document everything. Don't worry there will be pictures of her and her very 1st poop in a the big girl potty. One day she will appreciate these things!!
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